Alexander, K. B., & Jaffer, J. N. (2018). Ensuring US dominance in cyberspace in a world of significant peer and near-peer competition. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 19, 51.Alexander and Jaffer talks about ensuring US dominance in cyberspace in a world of significant peer and near-peer competition. This paper argues that the best route to continued success for the US in the cyber domain is to (1) create a more defensible national ecosystem at home and in partnership with key allies; (2) continue to invest significant resources in cyber intelligence collection, offensive and defensive cyber capability development, and game-changing capabilities, including cognitive computing and quantum systems; and (3) create a sustainable deterrence capability in the cyber realm.
BATTJES, M. (2019). The Infantry Heavy CAB in the Near-Peer Threat Environment. Infantry, 108(2), 7–10The article discuss the role played by the infantry heavy combined arms battalion (CAB) in the near-peer threat environment. The CAB is capable of providing the brigade combat team (BCT) commander with several critical capabilities by seizing, clearing, and retaining key terrain. In addition, the CAB can block a single avenue of approach dominated by restricted terrain and provide additional maneuver elements
Beehner, L. M. (2018). A Means of First Resort: Explaining “Hot Pursuit” in International Relations. Security Studies, 27(3), 379–409.This article provides a new theory of hot pursuit—the use of military force by a state against a nonstate actor across borders—in international relations. Drawing from the literature on civil-military relations, I argue that attitudes on limited use of force in peripheral areas will vary between civilian and military, with the latter preferring to treat hot pursuit as a policing operation, whereas the former will treat it as a military one.
Borne, K. (2018). Tactical CEMA for the Mechanized Force. Journal of Electronic Defense, 41(2), 27–30.The article discusses the disparity between adversary nations' ability to challenge U.S. dominance in both the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) and air space. Topics discussed include efforts of U.S. Army in modernizing near-peer threats; use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and video links; and effectiveness of radiated power (ERP).
Card, B. A. (2018). Preparing air missile defense, joint force against near-peer threat. Fires, , 32-35.In 2014, two events changed the global security environment: the Russian invasion of Crimea and China's militarization of islands in the South China Sea.These events increased the probability of interstate war, which means the United States needs to reemphasize countering near-peer capabilities in a complex, joint environment.
Cavallaro, G. (2019). A Culture Shift Toward Combat: Army Reserve Evolves to Face Near-Peer Threat. Army Magazine, 69(10), 30–34.The article offers information on the requirement of military personnel's improvements in medical readiness, reductions in the number of non-deployable soldiers or focus on fostering a warrior culture of housing. It focuses on a change from an organization accustomed to fairly predictable deployment schedules and also highlights challenges for thousands of soldiers in training events.
FRAZER, K. E. (2018). Engagement Area Development in a Compressed Timeline. Infantry, 107(2), 24–30.The article offers information about the U.S. Army's light infantry formations, which struggle to conduct engagement area development (EA DEV) suited for an armored and mechanized near-peer threat in a compressed timeline. Information about the compressed timeline as well as the military decision-making pprocessis presented.
Germann, W. A., & Gregg, H. S. (2021). Assessing Risk at the National Strategic Level: Visualization Tools for Military Planners. Parameters: U.S. Army War College, 51(3), 39–50.The reemergence of great power competition, conflict with near-peer competitor states below the level of armed conflict, and persisting threats from nonstate actors with transnational ambitions and global reach pose challenges for strategists planning, executing, and assessing military operations and strategy. Building on current visualization tools, two proposed models--the National Strategic Risk Abacus and the National Strategic Risk Radar Chart--address these challenges and better depict how the US military may inadvertently contribute to risk at the national strategic level. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Jones, M. (2017). Reconnaissance/Counterreconnaissance task force. Marine Corps Gazette, 101(2), 77-81.Since at least 2007, when Frank Hoffman published his "Conflict in the 21st Century: The Rise of Hybrid Wars," many Marines have wrestled intellectually with the challenge of confronting a hybrid conflict, "a diverse and dynamic combination of regular forces, irregular forces, and/or criminal elements all unified to achieve mutually benefiting ends."
Kane, K. (2017). ADAPTING TOWED ARTILLERY TODAY TO MEET A NEAR-PEER COMPETITOR TOMORROW. Fires, , 26-29.The maximum range capability inherent to the light towed artillery variant (M119A3) is approximately 19.5km.9 Its medium brother, the M777A2, can reach out to 30km.10 Although these ranges have been satisfactory in the domains of Afghanistan and Iraq, they are bulging vulnerabilities in an engagement against a near-peer competitor that can range out to 100km.11 Moreover, to bring these towed artillery systems in during later stages of conflict would prove overly risky due to the Russian surface-to-air missile systems (Figure 1)
Kauchak, M. (2018). Programmes for the US Army’s Readiness Recovery. Military Technology, 42(10), 20–27.The article offers information about military readiness recovery and modernisation programmes in the U.S. Army. Topics being presented include programmes aim to continue to build readiness, counter threats posed by near-peer competitors, and address budgetary pressure as well as information about unmanned air system technology.
Legacy Article. (2018). Military Review, 98(5), 94–110.The article focuses on the need for U.S. forces to prepare for what was to become known as World War I as echoed by Army leadership with threat of large-scale combat operations against peer or near-peer threats. It mentions expanding the scope and reach of its armed forces, especially its Navy and Air Force especially in the South China Sea. It also mentions jihadist vision of establishing an Islamic caliphate with the conventional military power.
MATSON, Z. J. (2020). Section Gunnery and ABCT Lethality. Infantry, 109(1), 32–33.The article highlights the preparation of U.S. Army for large-scale combat operations (LSCO) through tough, realistic training against a near-peer threat. It mentions the struggle of armored brigade combat teams (ABCT) to maintain qualified and lethal sections; and also highlights getting brigade and battalion commanders of an opportunity over platoon Table VI to train both platoons and sections.
Maze, R. (2021). BIG challenges. Army, 71(3), 36-41.Some, like near-peer competitors Russia and China, are working as fast or faster than the U.S. to make their forces more lethal, accurate and threatening, factors that have both a deterrent value and a greater chance of winning if war is unavoidable. Because of global competition, it is not certain the U.S. Army will end up the best-equipped force in a fight. Instead of the 3% to 5% increase defense planners have been seeking, the Biden administration and the Democrat-controlled House and Senate are weighing a $20 billion to $30 billion reduction in the 2022 defense budget, a squeeze that could continue over the five-year federal spending plan.
Miller, S. W. (2020). Combat Logistics. Military Technology, 44(5), 23–27.The article informs that Fighting forces cannot long endure without food, water, ammunition, fuel, batteries and other supplies, as demonstrated in campaigns throughout history, inattention to logistics can not only have detrimental impact on combat operations, but also disastrous consequences. It mentions that the volume of resources and effort required to support the actual combat force is referred to as tooth-to-tail ratio and smooth replenishment of those items consumed.
Montgomery, C. S. (2018). Cannon concern. Marine Corps Gazette, 102(12), 22-24.In a mid.- to -high-intensity conflict, a near-peer adversary will be able to contest our control of the air. Because air superiority is a prerequisite for offensive air support, we cannot rely on the ACE to execute offensive air support missions and support maneuver by engaging ground targets, including counter-battery threats, until air superiority is achieved.1 With or without air superiority, cannon artillery must be able to provide direct support, general support, reinforcing, and general support reinforcing fires to the MAGTF
NEAR-PEER THREATS AT HIGHEST POINT SINCE COLD WAR, DOD OFFICIAL SAYS. (2020, Mar 10).Matthew P. Donovan, who is performing the duties of the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, said the character of warfare has evolved at the same time, with grave threats now appearing in previously unknown or uncontested domains, such as cyber and space.
Roberts, Trevor. (2018). Fighting Platoons. Aviation Digest, 6(2), 18-19. (In Library)As the threat shifts from asymmetrical warfare to combating near-peer adversaries, so changes the operating environment in which the Army finds itself fighting.
Smith, K. D. (2018). Enhancing Global Security Through Security Force Assistance. JFQ: Joint Force Quarterly, 90, 50–52.The article discusses how Security Force Assistance (SFA) can help address challenges related to national security in the U.S., cyber attacks, and threats from near-peer state actors. SFA creates a framework for improved partnerships and stronger alliances, and offers the U.S. the opportunity to export peace and security to countries which have smaller defense budgets. In addition, the Army and Marine Corps are also investing in the joint solution.
TAYLOR, A. (2018). Getting Back to Basics. Warrior Citizen, 63(1), 14–17.The article talks about importance of Combat Support Training Exercise (CSTX), a large-scale military training event for soldiers of Ready Force X (RFX) which is an effort to build combat-ready and lethal federal reserve force. It include impact of training on RFX units in terms of response to evolving threats from near-peer and non-state competitors, and prepared to mobilize and deploy on compressed timelines as part of critical fight fast formations.
Wendland, C. (2018). Multi-domain task force takes on near-peer operations. Fires, , 36-37.The Army is now deciding if/what other formations could be assigned or attached to the base foundation to expand the capabilities needed to counter a peer/near-peer adversary A2AD threat. Since this is a "multi-domain" task force, the Army is looking to inform its evolving multi-domain operation strategy during the execution of the MDTF-Pilot Program. U.S. Army Pacific, U.S. Army Training Doctrine Command, and America's I Corps have a series of exercises planned to test the integration of new formations and technology to provide sensor-to-shooter agnostic capabilities to a joint task force (JTF) commander assigned the MDTF.
Yeadon, S. (2019). Toward understanding future wars with near-peer competitors in an era of fires. Fires, , 10-13.The previous article in this series assessed the capabilities of near-peer Fires units by analyzing their technologies and doctrine. This second article's goal is to better understand the modern battlefield considering near-peer technologies and doctrine for Fires units to propose ways to enhance U.S. and multinational forces, considering new threats.