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Tkachenko, V., Kwilinski, A., Korystin, O., Svyrydiuk, N., & Tkachenko, I. (2019). Assessment of Information Technologies Influence on Financial Security of Economy. Journal of Security & Sustainability Issues, 8(3), 375–384. (EBSCO)
The behavior of agents to ensure financial security on the basis of game theory was analyzed, the winning strategy taking into account risk and uncertainty was determined. Using Data Mining the useful functions of this technology were identified to ensure financial security: suspicious transactions determination, credit risks analysis, client account reliability analysis, financial indicators predicting and risks control.
Gamundani, A., Bhunu-Shava, F., & Bere, M. (2019). A Digital Economy Technology Intergration Model Incorporating the Cyber Security Layer. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cyber Warfare & Security, 65–77. (EBSCO)
Technology integration in the digital economy calls for focus to be placed not only on the functional benefits but also to incorporate and address envisaged cyber security threats and challenges. The demographic dividend forecasts for COMESA by World Bank for 2030 and 2050, clearly signal great potential for socio-economic growth. One of the major catalysts for such growth is technological advancements and adoption.
Khan, H., & Bashar, O. K. M. R. (2016). Does Globalization Create a ‘Level Playing Field’ through Outsourcing and Brain Drain in the Global Economy? Journal of Developing Areas, 50(6), 191–207. (EBSCO)
While the benefits of globalization can differ across countries, it seems that outsourcing and brain drain can bring into play some offsetting forces that are likely to bridge the gap between advanced and developing countries by creating a ‘level playing field’ in the global economy.
Cummins, P. A., Yamashita, T., Millar, R. J., & Sahoo, S. (2019). Problem-Solving Skills of the U.S. Workforce and Preparedness for Job Automation. Adult Learning, 30(3), 111–120. (EBSCO)
Automation and advanced technologies have increased the need for a better understanding of the skills necessary to have a globally competitive workforce. This study used data from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies to compare problem-solving skills in technology-rich environments among adults in South Korea, Germany, Singapore, Japan, Canada, Estonia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia.
Richards, K., & Ludwig, A. (2018). Using automation to help address the laboratory workforce shortage. MLO: Medical Laboratory Observer, 50(8), 42–43. (EBSCO)
The article discusses the use of automation to support the dwindling workforce in U.S. laboratories as of August 2018. Topics covered include the scope and reasons for the worker shortage, the responsibility of lab hardware and software partners to help automate the diagnostic tasks of lab professionals, and the latter's need to consult with vendors on productive automation. Also noted are the possible automation of quality control (QC), instrument maintenance, and staff training.
FLUSS, D. (2019). Workforce Optimization Ushers in the Real-Time Contact Center: AI, automation, and analytics are leading to an era of self-service and sophisticated agents. CRM Magazine, 23(3), 38–39(EBSCO)
The article discusses trends pertaining to artificial intelligence, automation and analytics which are leading to an era of self-service and sophisticated agents in the contact center technology sector, as of 2019. Topics include application sectors in the contact center workforce optimization market, changes in the service economy which benefit from real-time capabilities and the use of predictive analytics for managing a personalized customer experience.
Borry, E. L., & Getha-Taylor, H. (2019). Automation in the Public Sector: Efficiency at the Expense of Equity? Public Integrity, 21(1), 6–21. (EBSCO)
Automation promises to reshape a variety of work contexts in the coming years and the public sector will not be immune. While technology broadly—and automation in particular—offers a range of potential benefits from standardization to operational efficiency to financial savings, the potential tradeoffs and ethical impacts should not be neglected. This article addresses potential implications of automation as they apply to the public-sector workforce and its expressed values.
Sanburn, J., & S.d. (2017). The Case for Community College. TIME Magazine, 189(22), 44–47 (EBSCO)
The article offers information on significance of the community colleges in providing workforce training for students in the U.S. It discusses the role of automation in transforming the U.S. workforce and ensuring developments in the field of science, technology and engineering. It also mentions the role of community colleges in increasing the job opportunities for students through improved educational courses for developing their creative abilities.
Selko, A. (2020). The New Collar Workforce. Industry Week/IW, 269(2), 16–19. (EBSCO)
The article discusses that how IBM could help the administration's goal of "harnessing the creative talent of people for the benefit of all." It mentions the company has hired 100 additional apprentices and expects to hire thousands over the next several year; and also mentions the workforce needs to have the digital skills necessary to run automation and software.
Sharif, N., & Huang, Y. (2019). Industrial Automation in China’s “Workshop of the World.” China Journal, 81(1), 1–22. (EBSCO)
The Chinese government has announced major plans to provide subsidies to upgrade industry through automated manufacturing and robotization. This article examines how the government in the southern city of Dongguan, a leading center of the country's export industry, has promoted a "Replacing Humans with Machines" initiative to improve the prospects for local manufacturers facing toughening business conditions since 2007.
Hope, D., & Martelli, A. (2019). The transition to the knowledge economy, labor market institutions, and income inequality in advanced democracies. World Politics, 71(2), 236-288. (ProQuest)
The transition from Fordism to the knowledge economy in the world’s advanced democracies was underpinned by the revolution in information and communications technology (ICT). The introduction and rapid diffusion of ICT pushed up wages for college-educated workers with complementary skills and allowed top managers and CEOs to reap greater rewards for their own talents.
Costea, M., Arionesei, G., & Hapenciuc, C. V. (2018). The Adoption And Use Of New Information And Communication Technologies At The Level Of Cee-eu Countries. Prague: Central Bohemia University (ProQuest)
This paper focuses on determining the current state of adoption of new information and communication technologies by the population of EU countries from the Central and Eastern parts of Europe (referred in the paper as CEE-EU countries). We have conducted a detailed analysis between Romania and Bulgaria because there are historical, geographical, political and economic similarities between these two neighbouring countries.
Ahmed, I., & Gregor, S. (2019). Conceptualising an IT mindset and its relationship to IT knowledge and intention to explore IT in the workplace. Information Technology & People, 32(6), 1536-1563. (ProQuest)
An “IT mindset” significantly influences public sector information technology (IT) adoption in least developed countries (LDCs). The purpose of this paper is to explore the IT mindset concept and its relationship with IT knowledge and intention to explore IT in the workplace.
Wentrup, R., Ström, P., & Nakamura, H. R. (2016). Digital oases and digital deserts in sub-saharan africa. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 7(1), 77-100. (ProQuest-
This paper aims to investigate whether Sub-Saharan African countries are catching up with the rest of the world in terms of online usage. Online service usage is an important component of the discourse of the “digital divide”, an emblematic term for the inequality of information and communication technology access.
Willard, J. (2018, Sep 13). Tasmania’s digital divide among worst in the country, report finds. (ProQuest)
Tasmanians are among the least likely people in Australia to benefit from digitalisation, a new report has found. Research from Cisco and Gartner has ranked Australia as one of the world's most digitally-ready countries, based on a digital readiness index used to examine 118 countries.
Rutz, P. X. (2018, 03). FACELESS ENEMY. Military History, 34, 62-69. (ProQuest)
The insurgents buried the explosive-packed artillery rounds beside roads, set them in parked cars or perhaps hid them in animal carcasses, then detonated the devices at just the right moment using a mobile phone, garage door opener, even the receiver unit of a remote-controlled toy car. According to military directives, since these incidents didn't involve direct personal contact with an enemy, they weren't considered combat.
Benien, T. (2020). NATO’s New Cyber Operations Centre. Military Technology, 44(5), 34–35.
The article informs that NATO's new Cyberspace Operations Centre is up and running, after the Alliance announced the initial stand up of the Cyberspace Operations Centre (CyOC) in its trial structure in October 2018. It mentions that the operation was confirmed by the Chairman of the Military Committee (MC), Air Vice Marshal Sir Stuart Peach. It merntions that Cyber Operations Centre will conduct its work under SACEUR's command in Mons and is scheduled to become fully operational in 2023.
Pfannenstiel, M., & Cook, L. L. (2020). Disinformation and Disease: Operating in the Information Environment During Foreign Humanitarian Assistance Missions. JFQ: Joint Force Quarterly, 98, 20–27.
The article examines how disinformation can be dealt with while executing humanitarian assistance missions, particularly those battling disease. Topics discussed include threat of the expansion of information warfare capabilities to U.S. strategic interests, and analysis of Soviet leverage of disease-related information as context for the Russian and Iranian narrative exploitation during the U.S. response to the Ebola crisis in Liberia.